Did you know the Hep B vaccine, the first one given to your newborn in the hospital, is to prevent a disease spread between sexually permiscuous people, IV drug users, homosexuals and Hep B infected mothers transmittion to child? Studies show that after 5 years, 60% of the vaccine recipients no longer had protective antibodies. Is your child going to be doing drugs or having sex in the first 5 years of their life? The vaccine manufacturer says, “the duration of the protective effect…is unknown.” http://www.thinktwice.com/hepB_sho.htm
Did you know the CDC says that "initiating the Hepatitis B vaccine series at birth has been shown to increase a child's likelihood of completing the vaccine series on schedule," even when the mother is negative for Hep B? What's the important issue here?
Did you know that since the vaccine-induced immunity does not last longer than 10 years, 60-70% of the public is without “protection?” There goes the herd-immunity argument. “Without the mantra of herd immunity, these public-health officials would not be able to justify forced mass vaccinations. I usually give the physicians who question my statement that herd immunity is a myth a simple example. When I was a medical student almost 40 years ago, it was taught that the tetanus vaccine would last a lifetime. Then 30 years after it had been mandated, we discovered that its protection lasted no more than 10 years. Then, I ask my doubting physician if he or she has ever seen a case of tetanus? Most have not. I then tell them to look at the yearly data on tetanus infections – one sees no rise in tetanus cases. The same can be said for measles, mumps, and other childhood infections. It was, and still is, all a myth.” Dr. Russel Blaylock http://www.thenhf.com/article.php?id=1975
Did you know that pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers are major advertisers on t.v. networks, thus controlling the content released to the public? News programs are not going to bite the hand that feeds them.
Did you know that Vitamin D activates the immune response better than any vaccine could?
Did you know there are no tests done by the vaccine industry on vaccinated population vs. unvaccinated because it would be “unethical” to ask people not to vaccinate? There is a large community of unvaccinated people who are happy to be used in a study.
Did you know that a study completed by the CDC and published in Pediatrics, Children Who Have Received No Vaccines: Who Are They and Where Do They Live? stated:
"Unvaccinated children tended to be white, to have a mother who was married and had a college degree, to live in a household with an annual income exceeding $75,000, and to have parents who expressed concerns regarding the safety of vaccines and indicated that medical doctors have little influence over vaccination decisions for their children."
The CDC study also concluded that ‘Children who were vaccinated (but not fully) tend to come from homes run by poor, unmarried, badly educated mothers who trust their doctors,’
Fox, Maggie. "Reasons Differ for Unvaccination and Undervaccination of Children." Reuters. July 6, 2004.
Did you know you are not 100% protected (not even close) from any virus you are vaccinated for?
In March 2006, 245 cases of mumps were confirmed in Iowa, US, where the law requires vaccination for school entry. Eleven year-old Will Hean of Davenport was diagnosed with mumps, and his 21 year old sister Kate. Both children had gotten the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, or MMR. “He had all the shots and everything. You don’t think you’re going to get the mumps after you’ve been inoculated,” said Will’s father, Wayne Hean. (2006, The Associated Press).
In March 2006, 245 cases of mumps were confirmed in Iowa, US, where the law requires vaccination for school entry. Eleven year-old Will Hean of Davenport was diagnosed with mumps, and his 21 year old sister Kate. Both children had gotten the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, or MMR. “He had all the shots and everything. You don’t think you’re going to get the mumps after you’ve been inoculated,” said Will’s father, Wayne Hean. (2006, The Associated Press).
Did you know that your baby's brain is not fully developed or protected at birth? There is an important process of "myelination" , myelin being a fatty coating that protects the brain, that is not fully finished until the age of 20. Up until the age of 10, children's brains are vastly unprotected from foreign substances. The toxins from vaccines are actually stored in fat. The fattiest part of our body is the brain. So when the brain is unprotected, and we are shooting these toxins into their bodies...a lot of it is being stored in the brain. That is where the increase of neurological issues stems from.
Did you know that 1 in 5 children who get vaccinated for whooping cough still get the disease? http://text.vaccineriskawareness.com/The-Herd-Immunity-Theory-Treating-Our-Children-Like-Cattle
Do you know WHY they give the Hep B vaccine at birth? The Hep B vaccine manufacturer states that infants are “accessible” and “because a vaccination strategy limited to high-risk individuals has failed.” Newborns in the hospital are an easy market. http://www.thinktwice.com/hepB_sho.htm
Did you know 87% of Pediatricians do not think the Hep B vaccine is necessary? http://www.thinktwice.com/hepB_sho.htm
Did you know that numerous neurological and autoimmune disorders have been scientifically linked to the Hep B vaccine? Vision and hearing disorders, blood disorders, skin disorders, diabetes, kidney and liver disorders have all been scientifically linked to Hep B. http://www.thinktwice.com/hepB_sho.htm
Did you know that many doctors are not well educated on all the vaccines and risks? Many will not even acknowledge side effects or symptoms your child may experience after a shot.
Did you know that the medical schools are funded by the pharmaceutical companies? The very ones that make the vaccines? Do you think their educations could be biased? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4696316
Did you know that only 12 of over 90 strands of meningitis are covered by the vaccine?
Did you know that vaccinated children actually spread the disease to unvaccinated? Not the other way around like many believe. “Some vaccines are live and can shed in the child's urine, excrement and saliva. Vaccine viruses can end up in our water supply by entering the sewage system and infect unvaccinated children, as reported in the 'diseases in the vaccinated' pages and http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/Vaccine-Shedding. Killed virus vaccines have also been known to mutate and spread disease. For instance, a 16 year old girl died of meningitis B after kissing her boyfriend who'd just had the meningitis C vaccine. Scientists proved the bug was a mutated version of the vaccine virus - New England Journal of Medicine,Volume 342:219-220, January 20, 2000, number 3.” http://text.vaccineriskawareness.com/The-Herd-Immunity-Theory-Treating-Our-Children-Like-Cattle
So in actual fact, the vaccinated are the ones who carry the disease and risk infecting the unvaccinated, rather than the other way around.
Did you know that doctors get a kick-back from insurance companies for having all their patients vaccinated?
Did you know that in Amish communities, where they don't vaccinate, there are no autistic children? http://www.infowars.com/articles/science/autism_none_for_unvaccinated_amish.htm
Did you know there is no such thing as “herd immunity?” The medical community tells us we need to have a 95% vaccinated population or diseases will run rampant. This is absurd “because if vaccination truly worked, then any child who was vaccinated would be protected from disease, no matter how many ‘infectious’ unvaccinated kids there were, and if the 95% herd immunity figure was a genuine argument, it only points to one thing: the medical profession don’t really believe in the effectiveness of their own vaccines.” http://text.vaccineriskawareness.com/The-Herd-Immunity-Theory-Treating-Our-Children-Like-Cattle
Did you know doctors will say vaccines are argue that people should be vaccinated to 'protect' those who are immuno-suppressed through cancer or some other cause. However, as vaccines mutate and shed, then an immuno-compromised person is at risk by being around a recently vaccinated person. For instance, the Merck Manual says 'Immunocompromised patients should not receive live-virus vaccines, which could provoke severe or fatal infections.
Did you know that vaccines actually CAUSE the diseases they are meant to protect against? For instance, in the Merck, Sharp and Dohme LTD product information for HIB vaccine, it states: ‘Cases of Haemophilus B disease may occur in the weeks after vaccination’, and in Lederle Hibtiter information sheet, ‘Cases of HIB disease, although rare, may occur after vaccination.’ This is known as ‘PROVOCATION disease’, i.e. disease caused by vaccine.
Live vaccines are more likely to pass on the disease to their recipient or his close contacts, as the viruses are excreted in urine, faeces and saliva for upto 3 weeks after each shot.
The polio vaccine was changed from the live oral vaccine to part of the injectable, killed 5 in 1, because the only cases of polio in western countries were caused by the vaccine.
Live vaccines are more likely to pass on the disease to their recipient or his close contacts, as the viruses are excreted in urine, faeces and saliva for upto 3 weeks after each shot.
The polio vaccine was changed from the live oral vaccine to part of the injectable, killed 5 in 1, because the only cases of polio in western countries were caused by the vaccine.
Did you know you are not just shooting a virus into your child? You are also giving them heavy metals, toxic chemicals recognized by the EPA, animal cells and DNA, aborted human “diploid” cells, untested antibiotics, and contaminated serum…NONE of which can be injected without causing some kind of harm. Additional ingredients listed on the CDC website include: antibiotics (which you could be allergic to); aluminum (highly involved in causing Alzheimer's disease); formaldehyde (a toxic carcinogenic substance used to pickle dead people); MSG ( a potent excitotoxin which, like aspartame, can cause seizures, brain tumors, etc.); egg protein (to which you could have a life threatening anaphylactic reaction); and sulfites (another toxin which we are advised not to consume much of orally, but in vaccines, it is injected directly into the blood stream). Is this not a veritable witch's brew of chemicals, organisms, and animal or human (aborted fetus) body parts? Note in this list that they do not mention the ethyl-mercury containing preservative thimerosol, which has been the only dangerous substance in vaccines to receive mainstream media attention and IS still in certain vaccines.
Did you know that when you encounter a virus in the wild, you encounter it by itself, and without all the other toxic substances found in the vaccines which inhibit the body's ability to fight the disease?
Did you know that your body is naturally created, by GOD, to fight off disease and infection? You must do your part to eat healthy fruits, vegetables, and organic animal products so as to not create an environment disease will thrive on. Alexis Carrel, a researcher at the Rockefeller Institute, “was able to control the rates and levels of infectious disease mortality among mice. Beginning with the standard diet he observed a corresponding death rate of 52 percent. By making specific dietary improvements he was able to reduce mortality rates downward to 32 percent, then 14 percent, and finally to a rate of 0.45 " Dr. Raymond Obomsawin Even Louis Pasteur, developer of the first vaccines, admitted on his death bed "the terrain is everything.”
Did you know all the studies done on vaccines before they are "approved" are executed by the pharmaceutical companies themselves....the ones who MAKE the vaccines and profit from them. Does that make sense? Shouldn't there be a unbiased, non-involved third party to give an accurate safety and efficacy test?
Did you know that babies receive immunity from their mothers in the first few months after being born? God developed a system for them to be naturally protected. Vaccines actually SUPRESS the natural immune response and cause a reversal in the natural response technique (T1 and T2). Pregnant mothers pass immunoglobulin antibodies from their bloodstream, through the placenta, to the fetus. After birth, the newborn has high levels of these antibodies, and those who breastfeed continue receiving antibodies. This “passive immunity” helps prevent the baby from developing diseases and infections. Mother’s milk contains all 5 antibodies and is formulated perfectly for newborn needs and development. When babies are six months old, their antibodies will finally produce at a normal rate and will no longer be dependent on the passive immunity. However, breastfeeding for longer than 6 months has huge benefits.
*Did you know that your baby's brain is not fully developed or protected at birth? There is an important process of "myelination,” myelin being a fatty coating that protects the brain, that is not fully finished until the age of 20. Up until the age of 10, children's brains are vastly unprotected from foreign substances. The toxins from vaccines are actually stored in fat. The fattiest part of our body is the brain. So when the brain is unprotected, and we are shooting these toxins into their bodies...a lot of it is being stored in the brain. That is where the increase of learning disabilities and autism stem from.
Did you know that mercury is not the only ingredient in vaccines linked with neurological damage, such as autism?
Did you know babies can receive 13 shots at one visit? When was the last time YOU received 13 shots at one doctor visit? Would you be more surprised if you did or did not have a reaction?
Did you know that the vaccine industry is swarmed with conflicts of interest? Don’t think monetary gain is not an issue.
Did you know that Paul Offit, creator of the new rotavirus vaccine stated:
Regarding Thimerosal (Mercury) in vaccines:
"In some instances I think full disclosure can be harmful. Is it safe to say there is zero risk with thimerosal, when it is remotely possible that one child would get sick? Well, since we say that mercury is a neurotoxin, we have to do everything we can to get rid of it. But I would argue that removing thimerosal didn't make vaccines safer -- it only made them perceptibly safer."
On potential conflicts of interest as a vaccine patent-holder:
"I am a co-holder of a patent for a (rotavirus) vaccine. If this vaccine were to become a routinely recommended vaccine, I would make money off of that. When I review safety data, am I biased? That answer is really easy: absolutely not."
Speaking to a journalist:
"You did more harm than good in sort of quote/unquote allowing the parent to be fully informed [regarding the presence of mercury in vaccines]. There’s no politically correct way to say this, but being fully informed is not always the best thing. You can take that out of context and make me look like a jerk, but you know what I’m saying."
Did you know that if you contract the “wild” virus instead of being vaccinated, you are immune FOR LIFE? No need for boosters and extra toxins being injected.
Did you know that there are exemptions for vaccines and your child can go to school and daycare without vaccines? You do NOT have to vaccinate. In almost every state, there are religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions you can obtain.
Did you know that Paul Offit, one of the public speakers of the current vaccine program safety, holds a patent for the new rotavirus vaccine recently added to the immunization schedule? Did you know he also wrote in the journal of Pediatrics that a child’s immune system could handle 10,000 vaccines? Really???
Did you know that the debate over vaccine safety is “eerily reminiscent of the days when tobacco companies produced a consensus of science showing no link between smoking and lung cancer?”
Did you know that in the 1980s, autism affected 1 in 10,000 children? In 2010, the official estimate of autism is 1 in 110. A 9,000% increase. Where will we be in another 30 years? What are we making of the future generations of this country?
Did you know that America gives its children 36 shots by the time they are 5? Our autism rates are 1 in 110, and we are ranked 34th in the world for child mortality rate. Iceland, on the other hand, gives 11 shots by the age of 5, has an autism rate of 1 in 1,100 and ranks 1st in the world for child mortality rate.
Did you know that “if all adverse events were known and scored by severity level, the results expressed as a graph most likely would form a bell-shaped curve. At one end of the curve would be the “rare” catastrophic adverse effects and at the other end the mild effects such as temporary redness and swelling without other problems. The big question is: What do we have under the hump of the curve?” http://www.vaclib.org/basic/bellcurve.htm Go here to find out.
Did you know that there are thousands of studies showing vaccines cause cancer, chromosome changes, autoimmune disorders, autism, demyelination, seizures, brain swelling, SIDS, death, skin disorders and many other various injuries? http://www.vaccine911.com/vacreference.pdf
Did you know that vaccines were naturally declining BEFORE vaccines were introduced?
Did you know the vaccine-induced immunity lasts only 2-10 years? That’s why they have silently begun pushing boosters.
Did you know that booster shots raise immunity again for only 2 years max? Then antibody levels return back to what they were before the booster.
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